E-Twinning Projesi

E-Twinning Projesi

Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlarımızdan Hasibe BULUT ERDOĞAN'ın yürüttüğü Bullying/Zorbalık konulu uluslararası eTwinning Projemiz "Bullying" başladı. 

02.12.2021 225

Uluslararası eTwinning Projemiz "Bullying" başladı. Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlarımızdan Hasibe BULUT ERDOĞAN'ın yürüttüğü Bullying/Zorbalık konulu projedeki diğer ülkeler; Fransa, İtalya, Polonya, Romanya, Slovakya ve Yunanistan. Projede öğrencilerimiz zorbalıkla mücadele kampanyası oluşturacaklar.



While growing up, students face many difficulties. One of these difficulties that can harm them seriously is bullying. They can be bullied during or after school hours. They can even experience bullying when they are online.

With this project, we let our students cooperate with European students and raise awareness on different kinds of bullying; physical, velbal, social and cyber bullying. We will try to create and disseminate anti-bullying campaigns in cooperation.

 By the end of this project, students will be able to;

Meet new people and introduce themselves.

Describe their countries, cities and schools.

Ask and answer questions about bullying and different kinds of bullying.

Write their opinions and experiences on Twinspace and Padlet.

Express their opinions about bullying.

Prepare logos/posters about different kinds of bullying.

Agree or disagree with others by giving their opinions.

Write a comment on a topic via Twinspace.

Take part in a conversation about bullying.

Read a text for specific information about bullying.

Answer comprehension questions of a reading text about a bullying issue.

Make comments on bullying by stating causes and effects.

Talk about what they would do if they were bullied.